Friday, October 26, 2018

A DDlg Family Thanksgiving/"little stinkers”/stuffed/jannie’s stealth Jedi thiefering skillz/final thots

Cross posted from my WordPress Bloggy, feel free to click the link and follow that one too, it contains more, and is not a beginner/novice/curious info blog, its my life...

I got out smarted again… I was at Daddi Kass’s for thanksgiving & got outvoted..Kass 1 me 0 .. n jannies 0.5 vote that she got from buttwigglin n that devilish smirk she gets… darn princesses anyway!!…. the vote was very simple… here is a onsie… put it on… simple huh? … now, most would say yes Daddi n run off to change… cept she is no longer my Daddi… & being that she is NOT my Daddi.. I mistakenly thought that I would be able to say no thank you…, I honestly thot it was optional n that I would for once in my piddly life like to actually SIT at her table and eat from my own plate.. HA!!!..Wrong!!
yep since the first time I was at Kass’s house  years ago til present.. not once have I sat on a kitchen chair & ate off my own plate at the table.. I did sit in a kitchen chair Once, & only once… I was tied to it so ummm yeah.. that is when she explained how I would be eating and drinking my milks from now on…. I thot she was frickin jokin til she actually force fed me…. I wouldn’t co-operate so she pinched my nose holes shut til I had to open my mouth to breathe!!… she is no longer my Daddi, but the rules are still the same.. I knew about the eating rules n the milks, thats normal with her or Aunt Jessie, Chriss, Uncle De or even Simone, same rules apply in all their homes… very unified, consistent and structured.
So… jannie n me were skunks!.. matching skunk onsies.. with feets!, they put mittens on us, they had paw prints on the palm, no thumbs. this made holding anything nearly impossibles… ugh!!.. so that’s not a bad thing, Uncle Kass has dressed me like this since forever I am quite used to it and have gone out to the stores with her like this, no big dealz ( traumatizing Vanilla folks is my sole purpose in life.. or one of them anyway)
this is a Google image

I got my butt too close to Uncle Kass’s bedroom door, jannie took my tail n stuck it in the door n closed it… grrrrr!!!… hard wood floor, very slippy, I wasn’t goin no wheres, I couldn’t stand up, I couldn’t turn around and open the door n free my tail, couldn’t even crawl away n use pull power to free my tail ( on the onsie) cuz with mitts n feets , I just sorta spun out, couldn’t get traction…. n then, jannie waddled away… she just left me there!! thats just mean.. and it’s something I’d do to her, she has no business raiding my stash of evilness and using it against me!!… thats… thats…just frickin low down no good sassafrasing EVIL!!!! … the devil ain’t got horns, the devil has boobs, blue eyes and long blond hair.. last seen waddling towards the dining room disguised as a frickin skunk!

I never went out to Uncle Kass’s just for thanks givings, I was there a couple weeks, healing, I took a pretty big blow to the self confidence and identity, very personal hurtful ignorant comment that still has me pretty messed up, but I am mending… whenever I am in emotional or mental trouble I always run to Uncle Kass, no one knows me as well as she does, no one ever will either, no one bothers to put that much time and energy into me.
The same person who totally crushed me ( I forgave him, but I won’t ever forget cuz I’m the one that has to deal with the consequences of his ignorance.) anyway.. that guy, let it slip that he had his doubts about Ford being assaulted by the new supreme court judge…. that removed the last bit of trust I had, I can love him but will never trust him now, if I ever get assaulted again I will just keep it to myself…. he isn’t the man I thought he was, and I am so disappointed, I’m not angry, just feel let down and somewhat betrayed. so I have some serious personal choices to make when it comes to him… and I will sort that out on my time)
Anyway, Uncle Kass is like my savior, she always takes care of stuff & she helps me learn and understand, and also helps put me back together when @ssholes strip away my self confidence, the entire family (including my pain in the @ss subsister jannie)helps a great deal, to be honest I am not sure I’d still be here (alive) if it wasn’t for Uncle Kass & the famjam, I really can’t picture my life without them being a part of it
I am a fiend when it comes to stuffing, I love, love,LOVE stuffing, ‘specially Aunt Jessie’s, Holy Macaroni’s can she make awesome stuffings!!! … did I mention that I LOVE Stuffing??, she puts diced apples and orange slices in before shoving it in the turkeys rear end.. the results are a fruity smelling stuffing that is amazing!! the apples and oranges don’t over power the sage n other spice stuff, and the shredded veggies she has in there.
Google image
So I was told that Aunt Jessie would be my CG for the day, n that’s fine I enjoy being with her cuz she is always happy n smiley and very affectionate… have you ever tried to grab a hold of your food pillow with mittens? .. n then you gotta make it from behind the toy chest (actual toys, Lego etc), to her.. at the table… and just to add to you’r frustrations.. you can’t walk upright ( if you do, you get locking cuffs on your ankle and that will have a short chain clipped to the harness around your waist, that they will put you in), my food pillow is really just a giant dog pillow/bed/cushion thing, but it’s the one I use at food times, so it’s my food pillow ( kneel or sit on it), there’s is just no way to carry this thing with mittens and not bein able to stand… ( I was not hobbled, I am trained enough to know better)
I ended up biting a corner n just pulling it while backing up, easiest way, jannie just keeps flipping hers end over end til she gets it where she needs it… as it turns out I can go faster in reverse than I can forward.. strange.. oh well. As per usual I never had my own plate, I never do when I am out there or with them anywhere…including Juliana’s pizza ( public licenced to serve alcohol pizza restaurante) serves more than pizza. I got a taste of everything and decided I wanted the stuffing more than candied yams, and wow did she feed me stuffings!! oodles of it, and yep she smothered it in Chriss’s gravy ( no one can beat Chriss in sauces n gravies, she is the absolute King of that domain)… I went way beyond my full capacity, she just kept bringing that spoon to me n I snarfed it down til I just couldn’t get anymore in, yes I had turkey n hams taters and lots a stuff. Thanksgiving at Uncles house or any family home is a 3 day food fest, as are all major holidays… you show up at Uncles house skinny she will let you leave after she has fattened you up and not before.
So… jannie has perfected her thiefing skills and has graduated to Jedi level! ( or sith), after Dinner the turkey n stuff was knockin both jannie n me ( pretty much everyone too) out… turkey n stuffings coma!!!
after our milks we were sent to her private bedroom to nap, Uncle De followed behind cuz jannies room is up stairs on the second floor, the stairs are slippy when your in a frickin onesie, no carpet just oak, they are a bit hard on the knees but if you take your time it’s not that bad, I’m just a bit outta practice, surprising what a couple months of walking upright 24/7 will do to your scootin skillz!! Uncle was there behind us holding our butts as we waddled up the stairs to make sure we didn’t slip n have gravity f*ck us right up!
we made it, no accidents or fatalities and Uncle tucked us into jannies bed for our nap , I was asleep before my head hit the pillow I think and that is when jannie made her move..
it is no secret that I do indeed use a pacifier, its adult sized, (ABDL) and I am not the least bit embarrassed, I use them in public as well, yep people stare but no one has the balls to say anything, and if they did, if it was nice nothing would happen except me smiling, if it was negative, a knee to the groin and then to the head when they double over usually silences them…. I am sorry but I am not taking any sh!t from mainstream society… your rules  do NOT apply to me!! 
My Pacifier
Anyway, it was pinned to my onesie with a large safety pin n some purple ribbon and it musta fell outta my mouth or she took it, either way she got my darn pacifier n was using it with me still attached at the other end!! ..THIEFS!!…. and Uncle Kass & Aunt Jessie have the incriminating photos, both of us in a dead sleep and her with my pacifier!! arrrggghhhh!!!!!
it's an ABDL sized Pacifier, ones for infants are too small & don't look right to me,( yes I have one of those to)
I dunno why, but since I have known her she has thiefed my pacifiers, she has her own, she has lots, and at least 6 are mine, or were, when ever Uncle Kass n jannie come to my house I run around stashing my pacifiers cuz jannie turns into light fingers louie!!.. I have no frickin clue why she does that to me, except to irk me, n she excels at that! she doesn’t bother with my milks, or swipe my snacks just my pacifiers, I don’t get mad anymore, I used to, but the madder I got the wider her smirk got so I just shuts up about it, she knows I won’t smack her or anything and she knows I gave up being mad… now I just get irked.. and most slightly miffed.
So as those who follow me on Facebook may have noticed that I have been spending less and less time there, I will continue to whittle down my time spent on Facebook til I get to an hour or less per day or every few days … it’s too heartbreaking for me, the political sh!tshow in the USA, I am watching a country I once loved and greatly admired become a third world Fascist Republic.
I was gonna delete my accounts ( both of them) but then decided I will leave them and just ghost , watch my friends and lovers quietly, maybe say something from time to time, this way I have a heads up is sh!t hits the fan, just because I am going stealth doesn’t mean I will always be there watching, just once in awhile check in, let a few folks know I am alive n kickin.
I spend most of my time working on music, I am almost caught up with my studio tracks, and have written 3 songs and one 4 part chamber music tune all for a single instrument, in this case a 6 string electric … have you ever tried to write a classical music piece using nothing but  a 6 string electric guitar? .. I thot my head was gonna explode more than a few times, most classical is done on a 12 string or more,, yes it can be done on a 6 but for best results a 12 or more is suited for classical, try writing a 4 part Epic music piece expressly for a 6 string… I have no idea what it would sound like on a 12 or more, it’s not written for that, if I was curious I would send it to Dr. Viossy or Malmsteen, if anyone could pull it off it would be either of them… but I am not that curious, so until I get it copyrighted I will just keep it to myself, has a lot of arpeggios in the first and third movements, and the real kicker, I wrote the entire d@mn thing in Tablature.
So ya, This happened right at the beginning of October …
Not my ATV....
so yeah.. that sucked!.. it’s winter, hopefully it is just 6 months (wishful thinkin), the reality is this is Saskatchewan, 7 months is the norm.. 7 frickin months of minus 45 – minus 55 and snow lots of snow, last winter was 8 freakin months!..8 MONTHS!!.. why? just why?? … cabin fever is real!, at least this winter I have my son so between the 2 of us I should be able to remain half @ss sane!
So I finally broke down and paid for spotsify .. and fudged that up… of course I did! ( I am an expert fudger upper) … I meant to get the family plan, but did I? nope.. I have the basic paid one, which left my son with commercials …dang it!! so I will fix that this weekend sometime, I think the family plan allows up to 5 people? I am not sure, anyway other than my son and I I will have 3 open slots, I will let Hammy give a slot to one of his friends, and keep the other 2 in case somethin ever happens to this one. I wish it was possible to find friends outside of Facebook on it though, I have friends on Twitter and elsewhere I’d like to hook up with on Spotsify.. irks me that Facebook dominates everything dang it… I really have a severe dislike of that mental midget zuckerberg!
So I am gonna end it here ( the bloggy post) and since I have the house to myself til Sunday , I am gonna get naked and dance my piddly @ss off while cleaning up my house a bit.
Lesli << Rockin it to Spotsify ….

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