Thursday, July 5, 2018

Very Basic simplified layman's terms what BDSM stands for (BDSM 101 Basics for the misinformed)

Extremely simplified explanations in non technical terms that anyone can understand, ( especially the vanilla folks who are interested or curious) maybe it will help a novice with something they don't understand.. whatever, I am writing this for everyone cuz I can not believe the misconceptions...

BDSM is an umbrella for a great many kinks fetishes, Dynamics.. and it's not about sex,not all BDSM relationships lead to sex
It is not one big f*ckfest, it is nothing like that stupid 50 shades of rape movies, or magazines,I will put resource links throughout this post and at the end. in keeping with the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) guidelines, I am using, I am making use of isn't a definitive 100% reliable & accurate all the time, but it does provide links for resources 

The Definition of BDSM is clearly stated in that Picture above,
 Bondage is pretty straight forward, many Bondage folks go onto learn and practice Shibari & Kinbaku What is Shibari & Kinbaku & their differences, Bondage is not restricted to rope, silk strips are often used , chain, cuffs ( careful if using cop handcuffs they can really damage the wrist if used improperly) various restraints.

Discipline is more Self Discipline, mastering self control, self restraint, self conduct, mastering remaining calm in various situations positive or negative, controlling your own thoughts.. this takes years, it's a journey of self discovery and becoming the best person you can be, both Dom & sub do this, both are constantly learning, helping each other,the Dom may guide the sub in the right direction, may encourage the sub to not give up, and the sub gives their reassurances, and a good reason why the Dom is always striving to be the best they can be. Discipline is also learning to take direction, stick to schedules, Maintain rituals, completing tasks, Obedience - if your Dom calls you from work tells you what to wear, and you are to be at some restaurant or home or store, anywhere, at such & such time..doing so without question regardless of where you are and what you are doing ( this is an example) sounds simple enough, it is much harder than you think, you might be somewhere or doing something that will become awkward if you suddenly say you gotta go..thats just a small part of Discipline... it is NOT all about punishment and beating the h3ll out of a sub. yes it may contain elements of Sadomasochism, but not for all, just for who evers dynamics includes that.

Domination is pretty str8 forward I should think, it's being in control of the situation and the sub(s) their word is law, a Dom is short for a Dominant person ( male or female or somewhere gloriously in between) Dominant people have a Dominant personality,they are the natural leaders,the ones who people go to for advice or help or just want to be in their company,one of those people that are handed total control by their friends and family and end up directing the event without meaning to, and the Dom does it merely with their presence  one of those people who walk into a room and instantly grabs everyone's attention without saying a word, it is natural to them.
And submission is also pretty str8 forward, sub is short for submissive, which is the complete opposite of the Dom, they don't take control of anything, except for their own actions thought word and deed ( refer to Discipline).. they have responsibilities not control. a submissive is not a f*ck toy who has to obey your every desire, doesn't work like that... that is more in the realm of Master/slave situations..we will skip that for now and keep it simple. Also a Dominant never takes submission by force, if you force someone to submit.. you are raping and abusing them... submission is something the sub gives willingly.  for simplisticity, think of it as a Gift to the Dom to cherish and protect...the Sub can  take that back at anytime,( doing so may very well terminate the relationship) when it is given the significance of it is they are putting their lives as well as their Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual health into the hands of someone else and trusting that person to protect them always, to keep them safe on every way,and trusting them guide them and help them grow in all things.. a Dom can't do jacksh!t to/with the submissive until the sub willingly gives the Dom their submission and control over them, after that the Dom can take control and stay within the realm of things that was mutually agreed on and consented to. The Dom can not just do as they please,unless that is your dynamics.

Sadism is the pleasure derived from inflicting pain on others...Dominants are usually Sadists to varying degrees, so are mildly sadistic, others can be extremely sadistic.

Sadomasochism Definition ,

Masochism is receiving pain from others and gaining pleasure from it. Submissives are usually Masochists to varying degrees, some are mildly Masochistic, others Can be extremely Masochistic.

the more you read and follow links to learn, the more you will understand our Dynamics when I begin talking about that ( and that will contain details of scenes, what jannie n I do and how and for who etc. what types of Doms are in our crew and what do they do etc.) As usual, leave some hate or love in the comment box, nice comments greatly appreciated as well, and any questions drop them there and I will answer, if I do not know I will find you someone that does
have fun exploring and experimenting xo
Lesli xoxo

As stated here are a few resource links where you can explore more in greater depth... I chose to keep it simple to be clearly understood.
BDSM Beginners Kit (1995) still valid
Things to try if you are new to BDSM
How to guide for beginners
BDSM Guide for new folks
Tips for Beginners ( lots of resource links)
** Please hit that follow button so I don't have to constantly send the links thru Messenger thanks**

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